6 Tips for Building Muscle Now

Do you want to be stronger? We can help. Are you joining because of less obvious health benefits, such as stronger bones and longer life? Maybe you just want a new hobby, because everyone seems to be spending more time and energy focusing on exercise and showing their #gainz on social media.

For some people, the answer to sports questions is always that they want to wear muscles. Whether you have a very specific goal (such as participating in bodybuilding competitions and bodybuilding) or just want to fill out a T-shirt, you must start somewhere, even if you have been working hard to increase and maintain your weight loss in the past. Dr. Doug Kalman, co-founder of the International Sports Nutrition Society (ISSN) said, but please don't forget the so-called high metabolic metabolism. He said: "Most thin men who are unable to increase muscle weight are just eating and exercising in the wrong way."

The 10 Principles to Pack On Muscle

1. Maximize Muscle Building

In a process called protein synthesis, the more protein the body stores, the greater the muscle growth. But your body will continue to consume protein reserves for other purposes, such as making hormones. The result is less protein available for muscle exercise. To solve this problem, Dr. Michael Houston, a professor of nutrition at Virginia Tech, says that you need to “build and store new proteins at a faster rate than the body breaks down old proteins.

2. Eat Meat

According to a landmark study in the Journal of Applied Physiology, about 1 gram of protein can be photographed per pound of body weight, which is about the maximum protein mass you can use in a day. For example, a 160-pound person should consume 160 grams of protein per day-the protein quality he obtained from 8 ounces of chicken breast, 1 cup of cheese, roast beef sandwich, 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, and 2 ounces of peanuts. Distribute the remaining daily calories equally to carbohydrates and fats.

3. Work Your Biggest Muscles

If you are a beginner, almost all exercise intensity is sufficient to increase protein synthesis. However, if you have been lifted for a while, then focusing on the large muscle groups such as the chest, back and legs, you can exercise your muscles as quickly as possible. Add squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, bend-ups, bench presses, lean-downs, and military bench presses during exercise. Perform two to three groups, repeating every eight to twelve times, with a rest period of approximately 60 seconds between each group. The rep range will allow your muscle cells to enter the fast path of hypertrophy, and hypertrophy is the process by which they grow.

4. Have a Drink First

A University of Texas study in 2001 found that weightlifters who drank milkshakes containing amino acids and carbohydrates before exercise increased protein synthesis than those who drank the same milkshake after exercise. The milkshake contains 6 grams of essential amino acids-muscles that make up protein-35 grams of carbohydrates. Dr. Kevin Tipton, a sports and nutrition researcher at the university, said: "Because exercise increases blood flow to working tissues, drinking a mixture of carbohydrates and protein before exercise may result in increased intake of amino acids in muscle . "Texas, Galveston.

To shake, you need about 10 to 20 grams of protein-usually a spoonful of whey protein powder. Can't drink protein protein in the stomach? You can get the same nutrition from a sandwich made of American cheese made from 4 ounces of deli turkey and a slice of whole wheat bread. But a drink is better. "Liquid food absorbs faster," Kalman said. It's too difficult. Drink a drink 30 to 60 minutes before exercise.

5. Lift Every Other Day

Do full body exercises and then rest for a day. Studies have shown that challenging weight training can increase protein synthesis for up to 48 hours immediately after your exercise. "Your muscles will grow at rest rather than during exercise," said Michael Mejia, male health exercise consultant C.S.C.S.

6. Down the Carbs After Your Workout

Studies have shown that if you supplement carbohydrates in the body, you can rebuild muscle faster on days off. Kalman said: "A diet containing carbohydrates after exercise will increase your insulin levels, which in turn slows down the rate of protein breakdown." Eat bananas, sports drinks, and peanut butter sandwiches.

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